Donation Offer from Lotus Spirits!!!

Lotus Spirts is the distributor of Hwayo Soju in Hawaii, a imported Korean liquor. For every bottle of Hwayo soju sold in Hawaii, Lotus Spirits, will give .35 cents (thirty-five cents) to the Hawaii Korean Cultural Center. This equals to $4.20 per case of 12 bottles normally sold to a retailer or restaurant. Hopefully, this will spark other businesses in Hawaii to contribute their portion of their profits to the construction of the Korean Cultural Center in Hawaii.
화요소주를 한국에서 수입하여 하와이에서 도매하는Lotus Spirits사가 한인문화회관 건립을 위하여 화요소주 판매금의 일부를 기부하기로 하였습니다. 화요소주 한병 판매할때마다 35 cents, 한케이스에 $4.20씩 하와이한인문화회관 건립추진위원회에 기부하시게됩니다.
앞으로도 하와이의 비즈니스들이 한인문화회관 건립을 위한 기부가 활성화 될 수 있기를 바랍니다.
Lotus Spirits LLC is a licensed alcohol operator in the State of Hawaii selling Hwayo soju direct to licensed retailers and restaurants on Oahu. You can contact Mr. Randy Kuba, President of Lotus Spirits at:
Office: 4354 Pahoa Ave., #10446, Honolulu, HI 96816
Warehouse: 521 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, Hi 96813
Email: Website: Phone: (808) 840-0518
Mobile: (808-780-3440
Skype ID: randykuba1